Monday, March 8, 2010

Final/ my vision

Simeon Cowart

1.As a future educator my vision for Secondary schooling in the 21st century is specific. For one I believe that teachers should infuse technology in to the classroom when ever appropriate. One way of achieving this goal is to simply utilize the types of technology that students use to communicate, and gather information on a daily basis ( i.e. phones, computers, blogs, twitter…). I believe that teachers must change the way information is presented and taught in the classroom as well. For example, the use of inter disciplinary thematic units are very useful to help students make connections between different content areas and better see the relevance of the subject matter they are studying. Educators need to provide a learning environment for children that are smaller, or at least feels smaller in size. One way teachers can achieve this goal is to simply break up large class sizes into smaller groups in which students can cooperatively work with one another. However, I am not just implying that students do group work, but instead stating that students need to be assigned specific groups roles and work cooperatively with their fellow classmates to achieve a common goal. In order to achieve this, teachers must train students with the necessary social and communication skills (i.e. wait time, taking turns when speaking, using positive criticism….)to achieve the goals in their lessons. Lastly, I believe that more schools in the 21st century need to embrace the idea that all students can learn and utilize SADIE teaching strategies to make content more accessible and culturally relevant.


During my clinical practice I will aspire to make my lessons more relevant to students’ needs and challenges. To achieve this goal I believe it is vital to equip students to meet the challenges of current social problems and events, while utilizing the support of sociologists along with political scientists. One of the roles of a teacher is that of a social activist in that they inspire students to take responsibility for the world around them by making choices that will address concerns, find solutions and, therefore, better their lives (which I will aspire to do). Kids learn best when they can connect what they are learning to the experiences of their own lives. This is one reason that I will utilize a lot of “hand-on projects” and assignments when I become a middle school teacher. When listening is reinforced with doing, it becomes of far greater relevance to students. It has been asserted that self-esteem comes from accomplishment. I will insure that the students that I teach will certainly do their fair share “of doing,” and as a result, the successes gained from this should build self-confidence and make them more aware and concerned about the world around them.

During my first two years of teaching I will aspire to infuse technology in the classroom by establishing a website for students and myself to communicate. Another goal is to learn more about my students’ disabilities (autism) so that I can provide the necessary differentiated instructional strategies to meet their specific needs. In the first week of my clinical practice I will set up a PREZI website and provide students with up to date homework assignments and games to play. Because my students generally prefer to work independently, this resource will hopefully better accommodate their learning needs.

Later in my carrier I plan to create an ITU with my colleagues so that students make better connections between content areas. Before attempting to discuss an implementation plan for an ITU with the school Principal I would first conduct weeks of research to determine what established ITU’s made accessible to the public would best fit my school sites educational philosophy, and standards. Once I have located an acceptable ITU I would pilot it in my own classroom. During this trial period I would conduct research to determine the success of the ITU and areas in need of improvement. After all evidence is gathered the results would be presented to the principal and shown how the ITU was collaborative, connected to state standards, did not adversely affect test scores, and improved students’ cognitive, psychomotor, affective, and language abilities. Established research conducted by Learning theorist like Howard Gardner, and John Dewey would be presented to the principal and shown how it improves students’ ability to make connections between subject areas, and improve their ability to use higher order thinking skills. After this information has been presented and discussed with the principal I would explain to him/ her how utilizing my ITU plan would cost no more than typical unit. I would explain that if three teachers of different disciplines and I were provided a common prep period where all instructional planning could occur no additional money would be needed for establish meetings after school hours. All of the current resources and materials would be modified so that no additional cost for materials would be needed. The only money needed for the ITU would be for a school field trip would be money raised by me through Grant writing, and the school slush fund.
Because of my training I would explain to the principal that the teacher with whom I collaborate could be taught how to successfully coordinate with one another to establish an ITU. During our common prep period roles for each member, and rules of communication (i.e. wait time, not talking over one another, adding to thoughts not tearing them down …) would be established to improve group productivity. Once a common ITU is established it would be presented back to the principal for a final approval. Any modifications needed to be made to the ITU could be discussed after school hours through Google docs, or during our prep period (face to face).
Students would be trained how to utilize communication skills, and good behavior to perform all activities in ITU lessons (two school days would be taken to achieve this; similar games that were played in Dr. Keating’s class at CSUSM). During the time in which the ITU is being performed an Action research plan will be established and data will be collected to determine the success of the ITU. Daily observations will be recorded and student surveys will be conducted (pre and post surveys). Based on the results of theses assessments modifications will be made to improve the quality of the ITU.

5.My response primarily fits under powerful teaching practices because I believe in utilizing technology, and cooperative learning in the classroom to better accommodate students’ learning needs. By researching and learning more about my students disabilities probably fits under knew professional roles because I am taking on an additional responsibility that your average teacher does not when typically designing a lesson.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the technology implementation of technology. I truely feel that by using multiple sources of media really help to engage students. I will try to move away from the paper/pencil approach to more computer based assessments (in-class that is). Great action of making the classroom feel smaller. Many times kids can feel like they are a number in a sea of other students. The 'small-feel' and small groups will really enhance your connection to the students.
