Sunday, February 28, 2010

Reading Reflection 5

This semester I have really enjoyed and have learned about group work. The first thing I learned is that group work must be collaborative to be truly effective, and second that groups should almost always have assigned roles to ensure that group work is evenly dispersed amongst its members ( ideas discussed in chapter 6 of Designing Group work). As a student teacher it has been very challenging for me to have groups run smoothly, impart because the group roles that I assign are not well understood by the kids, and also the fact that I had to manage over 65 students in one class, and 57 students in the other.

In order to manage a class of 65 students it is essential that ground rules are established and upheld at all times. This however does not surely mean that the teacher has to take on the role of an authoritarian dictator to have control of the class but that the students should have a common understanding and respect for the rules. To achieve this, I believe that the teacher must introduce rules that are fairly and equitably enforced by to create structure and accountability. In order to take ownership of their own behavior I believe it is fundamental that rules be mutually created, and consistently upheld in the classroom.

Lastly, provide equitable instruction I firmly believe in applying expectation training in the classroom. Too many times students of lower status are talents and skills are not show cased in the classroom which is why I will provide such students the opportunities to take on leadership roles and teach their peers. As a result of including all students I believe it is possible to create a classroom that is a community of learners and not individuals.

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